Selasa, 31 Desember 2013



School : SMP
Subject            : Bahasa Inggris
Grade  : VII

1.      Method used   : Audio Language Method
2.      The Matter      : The occupations
3.      Steps
a.      1st Step:
-          Greeting
Teacher      : Good morning boys and girls?
Students    : Good morning Sir.
Teacher      : How are you today?
Students    : I’m fine
-          Pray
Before we are going to study, let’s pray together with Bassmallah.
b.      2nd Step
-          Teacher tells the matter.
Teacher: Ok class, today we are going to study about “An occupation”.
-          Teacher starts to communicate with the students to ask them mention the occupation that they knew.
Teacher: Any one to give me an example of occupation?
-          The student has to mention it one occupation for each student till the five occupations.
For example:
1.      Student 1: Doctor…!!!
2.      Student 2: Student…!!!
3.      Student 3: Teacher…!!!
4.      Student 4: Driver…!!!
5.      Student 5: Nurse…!!!
-          After the students mention it, Teacher has to make a sentence for each occupation, and ask the students for say it together. For examples:
Teacher            : He is student.
Students          : He is student…!!!
Teacher            : She is doctor.
Students          : She is doctor…!!!
Teacher            : We are nurse.
Students          : We are nurse…!!!
Teacher            : They are driver.
Students          : They are driver…!!!
Teacher            : I am teacher.
Students          : I am teacher…!!!
-          Invite one to three students to act in the front of as a model.
-          Those activities have to repeat till the students get the point of the matter.
c.       3rd Step
-          Closing
In this section, Teacher has to give a resume about the matter that has studied.
And Teacher gives the homework about the matter.
For example:
Teacher: Ok class, I will give homework to you.
You have to find at least five occupations and make a sentence
for each occupation as like the sample.
-          Pray
Before we stop our study today, let’s pray together with Hamdallah.
Thanks for today, and Wassalam.

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