Sabtu, 18 November 2017



Sekolah                       : SMK PUI GEGESIK                       Mapel   : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semeter             : XI/1                                                 Guru      : Roysmanto,S.Pd

1.      Do….. know Mr. Sukiman ?
a.       Your
b.      They
c.       She
d.      He
2.       Sutani : Does …………. Like apple?
Sarini  : Yes, but I am not sure.
a.       See
b.      Rudini
c.       Her
d.      They
3.       …………She study English today?
a.       Do
b.      Does
c.       Did
d.      Is
4.       Look!!! Do students ………… the balls?
a.       Likes
b.      Kicks
c.       Catch
d.      Are
Sutarjo : Are…(5)……. Student of TSM?
Sugiri    : Yes, I am. By the way, Who are you?
Sutarjo : My name is Sutarjo. I want to ask you. Look at the corner of the canteen, Is…(6)….. Rina?
Sugiri    : No, She is not.
Sutarjo : So, Who is she?  …(7)…..You her friend?
Sugiri    : Yes, I am her friend. She is Santi, I like her, because She is smart.
Sutarjo  : Really, Is…(8).. twin of Rina?
Sugiri     : Yes, that’s right.
Sutarjo  :Ohhh I see. Ok thank you
Sugiri     : Ok You are welcome

5.       a. They
b. She
c. He
d. You
6.       a. They
b. She
c. He
d. You
7.       a. They
b. She
c. He
d. You
8.       a. They
b. She
c. He
d. You
9.       Hassan : Why …… you choose the TSM in SMK PUI Gegesik?
Hussain : Because, I want to know everything about machine.
a.       Did
b.      Does
c.       Do
d.      Are
10.   She read a book in the morning.
Make question based on the underline word!
a.       Where does she read?
b.      What does she read?
c.       When do She read a book?
d.      When does she read a book?
11.   She read a book in the morning.
Make question based on the underline word!
a.       Where does she read?
b.      What does she read?
c.       When do She read a book?
d.      When does she read a book?
12.   Sulaiman : …………She get it?
Rasini       : She gets it form her uncle.
a.       Why do
b.      What does
c.       How does
d.      How do
13.   Rudi : What…….. your father’s name?
Rival : My father’s name is Lee
a.       Does
b.      Do
c.       Are
d.      Is
14.   Septian :…………. They  doing?
Lina       : They are preparing for hiking.
a.       What are
b.      Where are
c.       What is
d.      What do
15.   Ali        : Mista, Do you know? Andara got 90 in the English test!
Mista  : Wow! Amazing. By the way, ……………. I?
a.       What score
b.      What am
c.       How am
d.      How do
16.   Hendi :………..She crying?
Harto  : She is crying because her friend.
a.       Why is
b.      What is
c.       Where is
d.      How is

My Pet
I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Dolgy. Dolgy is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick black fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Dolgy does not like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish, or bread. Every morning I give him milk and bread. When I am at school, Dolgy plays with my rabbit. They get along well, and never fight maybe because Dolgy does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eats shoes. Dolgy is reallt sweet and friendly animal.
17.  How does Dolgy look like?
a.       big, fierce, and cute
b.      big, fluffly, and fierce
c.       small, fierce, and stink
d.      small, fluffy, and cute.
18.  Wht does Dolgy eat every morning?
a.       fish and rice
b.      bread and milk
c.       bone and milk
d.      rice and bone
19.  Whom Dolgy plays with when the writer goes to school?
a.       the writer’s mother
b.      the writer’s cat
c.       the writer’s other dog
d.      the writer’s rabbit
20.   The introduction tells you what the book’s about, ……………?
a.       Doesn’t it
b.      Does it
c.       Don’t it
d.      Doesn’t it
21.   We don’t see each other very often nowadays, …………………?
a.       Do we
b.      Don’t we
c.       Does we
d.      Doesn’t we
22.   Jo and Lori know that the time of the lesson has changed, ……………?
a.       Doesn’t Jo and Lori
b.      Doesn’t Jo
c.       Doesn’t Lori
d.      Don’t they
23.   Elisabeth usually gets the bus to college…………………..?
a.       Does she
b.      Don’t Elisabeth
c.       Doesn’t she
24.   Don’t she
I’m trying to tell you what happened, ……………………..?
a.       Aren’t I
b.      Don’t I
c.       Am not I
d.      Am I
25.   Some of the employees are not very happy about the pay deal,29. Ben isn’t coming to this meeting, ………………….?
a.       Is he
b.      Is not he
c.       Are employees
d.      Are Ben
26.   You’re not having an early lunch today, ……………….?
a.       Are you
b.      Aren’t you
c.       Having not you
d.      Don’t you
27.   He’s working as an engineer in the army, ……………….?
a.       Doesn’t he
b.      Isn’t he
c.       Is he
d.      Does he
28.  Cust. Service: Can I help you?
Arda             : I am Arda, I want to activate online banking on my phone.
Cust. Service: …………………………..?
Arda              : Sure, 088865742345
a.       Can I have your number?                                            
b.      Where is your phone?
c.       What is your number?      
d.      How much is your number?
29.   ……………………..makes us Happy
a.       Studying
b.      Study
c.       Readings
d.      Mr. Kamsari
30.   Smoking …………… bad habit
a.       Is well
b.      Are
c.       Is
d.      And

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