Sabtu, 03 November 2012

karya tulis ilmiah english

  This Script As The Assignment Of PPKN
       LECTURER ADVISOR: H. Imam Syafei, Drs., M.Si

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     2 N/ 111060100


Pancasila means five or five basic principles that are the foundation of our country, the Republic of Indonesia. The formulation of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state is as stated in the opening of the '45 Constitution which reads:
1.      Belief in One God
2.      Just and civilized humanity
3.      unity of Indonesia
4.      Democracy guided by the wisdom of deliberation and representation.
5.      Social justice for all Indonesian people.
Pancasila is the heritage that has existed since before, their values ​​were already scattered in different parts of Indonesia. As the noble values ​​of our ancestors is appropriate that we take care to apply the values ​​of Pancasila in their daily lives both in the community and the environment of work. And by practicing the values ​​of Pancasila we not only maintain but also to keep the heritage of our nation's morality.
Pancasila as the national ideology of Indonesia and the country has the logical consequence to make the great value contained in Pancasila as the basic foundation for the organization of state administration. Pancasila is the fifth fundamental value, fixed, and abstract. Therefore, it needs to be described in the form of instrumental value that is more concrete. But this time the noble values ​​of the Pancasila is becoming obsolete so many people know only as Pancasila state symbol. And its effects, now many good moral decadence among teenagers, college students, community, and even state officials should take an active role in the implementation of the noble values ​​of the Pancasila.


Assalammua’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Praise to Allah who has given us knowledge, and sholawat and convey our greetings to the king Prophet Muhammad. Ahlul Bayt along with him, his friend, and his people until the end of time. Not to forget, we would like to thank H. Imam Syafei, Drs., M.Si as our lecturers, and parents who have supported us, and all the colleagues who have helped in the making of this paper, and finally the paper with the title "The loss of life of residents in the ideology of Pancasila Indonesia "the task subjects Pancasila and Citizenship Education can be completed according to plan.
With the paper is expected to contribute positively to improving the quality of college in this country.
Materials paper is composed from various sources of books that have been validated by many scientific experts who are competent. Because it's easy - I hope these papers can enrich the wealth of knowledge and insight improve the students, especially the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in broader perspective in understanding the noble values ​​of Pancasila as the state.We deliver to thank all those who have helped in completing this paper on time and to the reading public, particularly students who attend courses in Pancasila and Citizenship Education, we expect to use this paper as well - well, i hope this paper can provide benefits to students in particular and everyone.

Cirebon, Oktober, 30th 2012



ABSTRAC ............................................................................................................... i
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................................................
1.1 Background .........................................................................................................            1
1.2 Theological Problem ........................................................................................... 1
1.3 Benefits ............................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ..............................................................
2.1 Definitions Pancasila .......................................................................................... 2
2.2 Point-Point Pancasila .......................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION ..................................................................................
3.1 Pancasila As State Ideology ............................................................................... 5
3.2 Reform And Pancasila .......................................................................................  5
3.3 Revitalization Pancasila ....................................................................................   6
3.4 The Lost Of Pancasila’s Ideology ....................................................................   6
3.4.1 Pancasila In The Perspective Of Students ....................................................    6
3.4.2 Pancasila In The Public Perspective .............................................................     7
3.4.3 Corruption Is A Betrayal Of Pancasila .........................................................    8
CHAPTER IV CLOSING .....................................................................................
4.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................................   9
4.2 Advice ...............................................................................................................  9
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................  10
AUTOBIOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................  11


Pancasila is the foundation of our country, the Republic of Indonesia. In which contains so many noble values ​​that we must bear in mind and we apply to the entire Indonesian nation, either by teens, college students, civilians, or state officials. But the fact that we can find now, the behavior of the people of Indonesia, looks very far away from the noble values ​​contained in Pancasila. Even seemed to have gone in the soul of the people Pancasila Indonesia. As evidence, officials in the country should be very understanding about the meaning and significance of Pancasila, now as if it never knew about it, so they simply made ​​a mistake that could make all the miserable people of Indonesia, namely corruption. Easily they did it, but corruption is an act that is contrary to Pancasila, especially sila sila fourth and fifth, which eliminates justice for all Indonesian people and the lack of leadership values ​​Righteousness. Therefore, if things like this continue on leave, would make Indonesia into a country that has no basis, in other words, a country has not ideology.

Based on this background, then that becomes the issue and expressed in this paper are:
1. Is there Pancasila ideology in the spirit of the Indonesian people?
2. Why is the application of Pancasila ideology so important?
3. How is the meaning of Pancasila in the eyes of the people of Indonesia?

We make this paper hoped readers can obtain information about the importance of Pancasila in the lives of the people of Indonesia, so hopefully students will be able to understand more and not blind to the noble values ​​contained in Pancasila, so it will be able to create harmony and prosperity of the people of Indonesia.


Pancasila is the basis for the state ideology of Indonesia. This name consists of two words in Sanskrit means five and five precepts means the principle or principles. Pancasila is the formulation and guidelines for national and state life for all the indonesia people

MPR Decree no. II/MPR/1978 about Ekaprasetia Pancakarsa outlines the five principles of Pancasila to 45 grains of practice as a practical guide for the implementation of Pancasila. Never published a study on whether these items actually practiced in everyday Indonesian.

First Precept (Star)
1.      Indonesia has stated his belief and piety towards God Almighty.
2.      Indonesia's human trust and devotion to God Almighty, according to the religion and beliefs of each on the basis of a just and civilized humanity
3.      Developing respect respect and cooperation among religions with adherents of different beliefs in God Almighty.
4.      Foster harmonious living among religious and belief in God Almighty.
5.      Religion and belief in Almighty God is a matter involving personal relationship with God Almighty.
6.      Developing mutual respect freedom of religion and worship according to their respective beliefs.
7.      Not impose a religion and belief in Almighty God to others.

Sila second (Chain)
1.      Recognize and treat people according to the status and dignity as a creature of God Almighty.
2.      Acknowledging equality, equality, rights and obligations of every human being, without distinction of race, ancestry, religion, creed, sex, social status, skin color and so on.
3.      Developing mutual love fellow human beings.
4.      Develop an attitude of mutual tolerance and tepa selira.
5.      Develop an attitude of persecution against others.
6.      Upholding the values ​​of humanity.
7.      Love to serve humanity.
8.      Dare to defend truth and justice.
9.      The Indonesian people feel themselves a part of the whole human race.
10.  Develop a respectful attitude to respect and cooperate with other nations.

Third Precept (Banyan Tree)
1.      Being able to put the unity, unity, and the interests and safety of the nation and the state as a common interest above personal and group interests.
2.      Able and willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the state and the nation if necessary.
3.      Developing a love for the homeland and the nation.
4.      Developing a sense of national pride and earthy Indonesian water.
5.      Maintain a world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice.
6.      Developing unity of Indonesia on the basis of unity in diversity.
7.      Advancing socially sake of national unity.

Fourthly (Bull Head)
1.      As citizens and residents, all Indonesian people have a position, rights, and obligations.
2.      Should not impose its will to others.
3.      Prioritize deliberation in making decisions for the common good.
4.      Deliberations to reach consensus permeated by the spirit of kinship.
5.      Respect and uphold any decision reached as a result of deliberation.
6.      Good faith and sense of responsibility to accept and implement the consensus decision.
7.      In the discussion of mutual interests take precedence over the interests of individuals and groups.
8.      Deliberation done with common sense and in accordance with the noble conscience.
9.      Decisions may need to be morally accountable to God Almighty, upholding human dignity, the values ​​of truth and justice promoting unity and unity for the common interest.
10.  Giving credence to representatives believed to carry by the reason.

The fifth Sila (Rice and Cotton)
1.      Developing a noble deed, which reflects the attitude and family atmosphere and mutual cooperation.
2.      Develop a fair attitude towards others.
Maintaining a balance between rights and obligations.
3.      Respect the rights of others.
4.      Like giving aid to others in order to stand alone.
5.      Do not use the property for businesses that are extorted from the others.
6.      Do not use the property for things that are wasteful and extravagant lifestyle.
7.      Do not use the property for a conflict with or detrimental to the public interest.
8.      Hardworking.
9.      Like to appreciate the work of others that are beneficial to the progress and prosperity together.
10.  Like to do activities in order to achieve equitable progress and social justice


Ideology comes from the greek word meaning look identical, which means that the idea, or faces, physique, thoughts and ideas logy word meaning teaching. Thus, ideology is the doctrine or science of ideas and thoughts or science des ideas (AL-Marsudi, 2001:57). Puspowardoyo (1992 states that ideology can be defined as a complex of knowledge and overall value to a person or a community foundation to understand the universe and the earth all and determine the basic attitude to cultivate. Based on the understanding that a person can catch see what is right and not right, and what is considered good and not good.Pancasila is the ideology held by the State or the government and people of Indonesia as a whole, not yours or someone or something monopoly certain groups. As a basic philosophy or spiritual state, it is ideals of the nation, must be implemented or practiced Pancasila, which embodies the reality of life in the organization of national statehood and our community. If there is a gap in the life of nation and society, we must return to the philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia to find a way out or to realign.

Reform of 1998 brought a new color for the journey of democracy in Indonesia, the 32-year dictatorship in coloring and master motherland, all silenced, even Pancasila can not wing because dealing with the authoritarian New Order regime. Single principle of Pancasila be interpreted and can only represent values ​​of Pancasila version ruler, everything becomes silent and still, elasticity Pancasila metamorphose into a rigid yag value. The values ​​listed in the precepts of Pancasila just seems to be a symbol that does not have any substance that is unable to light the way of life, the community served by the Pancasila symbol in the form of words but meaningless. Criticism into something dead amid widespread silencing doctrine ala new order. Post-reform debate Pancasila as the final began to burst at the surface with the passage of democratization that makes colors echoing freedom. The new order and reform is like drowning pancasila face so ideal to accommodate the diversity of the Indonesian nation.The Indonesian people today began to move away from the realm of Pancasila, our leaders had shot only Pancasila as a tool for imaging to be stamped as a defender of Pancasila. Until finally the noble values ​​of Pancasila also seemed lost in pretense.

Now, Pancasila not be something important in our country amid pragmerisme thought this nation and in the middle of the crisis on various fronts, the discourse to restore Pancasila as the unifier of the nation should be the top priority of the current government.
Removal subjects pancasila recently become something that hurts, but Pancasila milestones disintegritas remember this nation is threatened. Pancasila values ​​are not just for the sake of textual completed for recitation referenced but the values ​​of Pancasila should be synergy between what we memorized by its practice. So revitalizing Pancasila related grounding is the responsibility of the State and the nation must be really serious to keep looking for a formula how the implementation of Pancasila values ​​actually become something that animates our minds. Of course in this case the government has a big hand how the values ​​of Pancasila should still be assessed early on and continues to provide a constructive dialogue space whether in the form of studies of formal or non-formal. Pancasila is one of this nation hope to unite all, the spirit of Pancasila is a free spirit, a spirit of liberating, unifying spirit and passion above all the injustices that continue to hit fortified with noble values ​​listed on the precepts of Pancasila.

Nowadays a lot of evidence that shows the loss of Pancasila ideology in everyday life, such as the fight between the students, the community, and the more depressing is that now many corrupt state apparatus, which clearly violates the Pancasila. The following are the facts that show the loss of Pancasila ideology in the spirit of indonesia people.
3.4.1 Pancasila In The Perspective Of Students
Entering the era of competitive globalization and open, mastyarakat values ​​embodied in the Pancasila and the Constitution of '45 began to fade, especially among youth and college students, current college students appear to have difficulty understanding ni Pancasila.
In accordance with the results of a survey conducted in several universities, current students appear to have difficulty understanding the Pancasila and the values ​​contained therein. If it is allowed to continue, it will be a major threat to national diversity. As evidence, a number of students of different faculties or different campuses often clashed just because a minor problem. And should the students which helps in realizing the precepts in order Pancasila Indonesia realization that the religion nation, unity and justice.

3.4.2 Pancasila In The Public Perspective
Ideology Pancasila was drafted in such a way by the founder of the nation of Indonesia, a philosophy and ideology of the nation that must be respected and upheld by all citizens. The ideology of the Indonesian nation is in accordance with the needs and realities of Indonesia are very pluralistic and diverse. As the basic state the values ​​people and the government since that time should be based on Pancasila. History has revealed that Pancasila is the soul of all the people of Indonesia, which gives power to the people living in Indonesia and guide him in the pursuit of inner and outer life are better, in a society that is just and prosperous Indonesia.
Pancasila that have been received and confirmed as the state as stated in the preamble to the Constitution of 1945 is the nation's personality and outlook on life, which has been tested truth, ability and his power, so that no one forces also were able to separate any of the nation Pancasila Indonesia .
Realizing that for sustainability and supernatural abilities Pancasila, needs to be put in a real and continuous appreciation and apply noble values ​​contained therein by any citizen of Indonesia, every state officials as well as any state agencies and community organizations, both at the center and in the areas. But at the moment people's views about the Pancasila, is indifferent and reluctant not care. Thus the actualization of Pancasila Moral Education should be applied to the whole society, not just in schools and colleges only. With Pancasila moral education, all walks of life can identify mutual assistance regardless Religion also spare. "In this era of mutual help is always calculated with the material, because the people are already accustomed to life is immaterial. Bahakan in this day and age a lot of people lining the knowledge lack of Pancasila. But we also can not accuse people who have no knowledge of Pancasila. We must also learn to practice and practice-nlai nlai Pancasila in every aspect of our lives, because everything starts from ourselves.

3.4.3 Corruption Is A Betrayal Of Pancasila
Since it was built and inaugurated by President Soeharto, October 1st, 1992, Monument Pancasila Sakti became the venue for memorial miracle Pancasila. The ceremony continued despite the government changed four times. All governments want to keep and hold sacred Pancasila.
In his reign the third ceremony, President Yodhoyono back into ceremony inspector. Like the miracle of Pancasila three warnings before, the president does not see the magic of Pancasila preferred as of a series of efforts by people insult communist ideology. According to the narrative in the diorama, the treason recent efforts made ​​the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI).
Hidayat said, the effort to revive communism and separatism is the opposite of Pancasila. Threats from Muslims but there is also not specifically as shown in terrorism.
Vice chairman of the House Soetardjo Soerjogoeritno argued, threats to Pancasila as an ideology at least can be categorized into two, namely to negate and want to change Pancasila. We can not accuse, but we can feel and see the movement and behavior of those who long ago against Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
According to Hidayat, Pancasila is not enough just celebrated and debated. Commemorated nice, but the warning should be a concrete means to live the Pancasila. But whether it can be categorized as an attempt betrayal of the Pancasila, KPK chairman Taufiqurrahman Ruki said, corruption is an act of violation of the law, a crime that can happen in a communist country though. Nothing to do with Pancasila, but it certainly betray the country. The betrayal of the State through corruption is surely a traitor to Azaz / basic State.


Pancasila is the foundation of the Republic of Indonesia, the Indonesian state ideology, as well as a view of the life of the nation. Pancasila is also a source of spiritual community and the Republic of Indonesia. "Civics Papers Pancasila" So people make Pancasila Indonesia as the main struggle in the life of society and life the nation. Therefore the experience should start from every citizen of Indonesia, any state officials who will develop into widespread experience of Pancasila by any state agencies and community organizations, both centrally and in the regions. In the Pancasila contained noble values​​, moral teachings all of embodiment of all human souls Indonesia. Realizing that for the preservation of the values ​​of Pancasila that needs to be put in a real and continuous the understanding and practice noble values ​​of therein, therefore every citizen of Indonesia, State organizer, as well as state agencies and social institutions at the central and in the region must both practice the values ​​of Pancasila to the preservation and prosperity of the nation of Indonesia. And so that Indonesia can be separated from the corruption that is increasingly ensnared Indonesia.


1.      If the view of the facts, should anyone have to understand more about the importance of Pancasila in our lives, so that the realization of a just and prosperous Indonesia.
2.      Teachers, parents should introduce more about Pancasila and meaning, so that is no longer a fight that is not immoral.
3.      For state officials looking very sad if it's always like this, so we encourage every officer should be given more, and in-depth understanding of Pancasila, for violations of the missing, especially corruption.


Setiady Elly M, Panduan Kuliah Pendidikan Pancasila, Jakarta: PT Gramedia
Pustaka Utama.
Kansil C.S.T, Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, Jakarta: PT Pradnya


Roysmanto is a student at the faculty of teacher training and education science (FKIP) University Of Swadaya Gunung JATI Cirebon. Education that has been passed SDN 3 Gegesikkidul, SMPN 1 Gegesik, SMK Muhammadiyah Cirebon, YPI Miftahul Huda Tangerang. Besides active in the world of education, who was born 22 February twenty-one years ago this was also active in the organization, such as Scouting, PMR (Red Cross Youth), IRM (Muhammadiyah Youth Association), BEM F (Student Executive Board of the Faculty), KAMMI (Unity Indonesian Muslim students Action), Tutorials Islamic Unswagati and MAMEN (Student Asociation of Class M and N), that's activeness that support life motto, which is "Living In Truth is a Source of Peace".

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