Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

contoh auto biografi


Roy Ibnu Rojay is a student at the faculty of teacher training and education science (FKIP) University Of Swadaya Gunung JATI Cirebon. Education that has been passed SDN 3 Gegesikkidul, SMPN 1 Gegesik, SMK Muhammadiyah Cirebon, YPI Miftahul Huda Tangerang. Besides active in the world of education, who was born 22 February twenty-one years ago this was also active in the organization, such as Scouting, PMR (Red Cross Youth), IRM (Muhammadiyah Youth Association), BEM F (Student Executive Board of the Faculty), KAMMI (Unity Indonesian Muslim students Action), Tutorials Islamic Unswagati and MAMEN (Student Asociation of Class M and N), that's activeness that support life motto, which is "Living In Truth is a Source of Peace".

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