Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012



Pancasila means five or five basic principles that are the foundation of our country, the Republic of Indonesia. The formulation of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state is as stated in the opening of the '45 Constitution which reads:
1.      Belief in One God
2.      Just and civilized humanity
3.      unity of Indonesia
4.      Democracy guided by the wisdom of deliberation and representation.
5.      Social justice for all Indonesian people.
Pancasila is the heritage that has existed since before, their values ​​were already scattered in different parts of Indonesia. As the noble values ​​of our ancestors is appropriate that we take care to apply the values ​​of Pancasila in their daily lives both in the community and work linngkungan. And by practicing the values ​​of Pancasila we not only maintain but also to keep the heritage of our nation's morality.
Pancasila as the national ideology of Indonesia and the country has the logical consequence to make the great value contained in Pancasila as the basic foundation for the organization of state administration. Pancasila is the fifth fundamental value, fixed, and abstract. Therefore, it needs to be described in the form of instrumental value that is more concrete. But this time the noble values ​​of the Pancasila is becoming obsolete so many people know only as Pancasila state symbol. And its effects, now semakain many good moral decadence among teenagers, college students, community, and even state officials should take an active role in the implementation of the noble values ​​of the Pancasila.


Assalammua’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Praise to Allah who has given us knowledge, and sholawat and convey our greetings to the king Prophet Muhammad. Ahlul Bayt along with him, his friend, and his people until the end of time. Not to forget, we would like to thank H. Imam Syafei, Drs., M.Si as our lecturers, and parents who have supported us, and all the colleagues who have helped in the making of this paper, and finally the paper with the title "The loss of life of residents in the ideology of Pancasila Indonesia "the task subjects Pancasila and Citizenship Education can be completed according to plan.
With the paper is expected to contribute positively to improving the quality of college in this country.
Materials paper is composed from various sources of books that have been validated by many scientific experts who are competent. Because it's easy - I hope these papers can enrich the wealth of knowledge and insight pengebangan students, especially the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in broader perspective in understanding the noble values ​​of Pancasila as the state.We deliver to thank all those who have helped in completing this paper on time and to the reading public, particularly students who attend courses in Pancasila and Citizenship Education, we expect to use this paper as well - well, i hope this paper can provide benefits to students in particular and everyone.

Cirebon, 25 September 2012


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